For all of our health professional students and residents who surf – or for those who just enjoy the ocean and adventure travel- there is a new contest just announced by the Surfers Medical Association (
For those not familiar with the Surfers Medical Association, the SMA is an international organization of healthcare professionals who frequently treat surfers as patients and who are often surfers themselves. The SMA promotes research, training, and education regarding the trauma and disease factors which affect surfers, and is dedicated to helping all surfers be healthier.
The SMA is stoked to announce the first (hopefully annual) Student/ Resident conference scholarship! There are a lot of gung-ho, early career surfers in the physician community who would love to be a part of the SMA, but attending some far flung destination is not in the cards financially. For 2025 the SMA will be sponsoring a lucky winner to attend the annual Magdalena Bay trip August 2-9(except for airfare). Further information about the trip, and about this pristine surf location in Southern Baja, can be found on the SMA website (
To be considered for the scholarship, candidates need to make a submission to the Surfing Medicine journal. Any kind of submission is acceptable – whether a case report, original research, a review article, travel medicine/ sports medicine/ marine medicine update, or a personal story of surfing adventures where medical intervention saved the day. Nothing heavy, but something definitely of interest to the surfing and healthcare community.
The recipient will be announced on Feb 2 2025, also Groundhog day, so be thinking about a submission that could be sent to the SMA by the beginning January. For further information, please visit the SMA website and send a message directly to the SMA Executive Director
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